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Re: [PyrNet-L] Judy -heartworm positive

Tracy Pribbenow wrote:

> Judy
> Could you tell me more about this new treatment?  The last one I had
> treated had the old treatment which nearly killed her.  What is the name of
> the medicine in this shot?
> Tracy
> pribb@feist.com        Bentley, Kansas
> http://www.feist.com/~pribb

   I will call my Vet tomorrow and relay the name of the drug he used.  Since
it is a newer drug and Pyrs are known for their very slow metabolism he
consulted with the drug manufacturer a great deal before he treated the rescue

The rescue and my pyr were kept crated most of the time during the next two
weeks.  I was rather surprised at how quickly the rescue dog adapted to the
crate and was very content just to be in the same room with all of us.  Toward
the end of the two weeks it became necessary to put her on a lead when I took
her outside.  She was feeling so good she felt compelled to run, full out,
through the yard.

I have watched one labrador die of heartworm because her owner chose not to
treat.  Although I am extremely soft hearted toward animals, particularly
dogs,  I would rather see a dog put down humanly than suffer as the Lab did.
Of course, we each make our own decisions.  The $250.00b each that  it cost to
treat the two pyrs with heartworm was less than I would have paid for many
other things that bring me far less joy.
