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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: Chat:Behavior, pyr that bit

On  8 Jun 98 at 15:45, Matt Rausch wrote:

  The fact that the
> dog's first reaction was to attack/bite also concerns me.  When we
> recently heard of the burglars who broke into a fellow pyr list
> members home and were restrained by the prys, she stated they simply
> had the guys up against the wall and barking.  With the attitude
> problems Noah has, he has never hurt a child. If someone is a threat
> to him and surprises him he will growl, lunge, snap BUT NOT bite. 
> What worries me is that the pyr was not able to judge the situation
> correctly and determine what "level" (for lack of a better word) of
> guarding/protection was needed. 

 Along with the two situations you mentioned, there was also a recent 
post from a pyr owner whose dog bit a man who was acting strange and 
threatening to her as she unloaded the dog from her car.

I do not breed and have not owned pyr's that long, just 7 years.
All legalities aside on this one....   
I have been told that any pyr that bites, should be euthanized.
It is my understanding that even pyr's working as LGD's usually do 
not attack a predator.  They posture, threaten, stand their ground or 
chase the predator away. < Edd, are you there to respond?>
It is my understanding that a  pyr that perceives a threat to his 
territory,  will growl, threaten, even knock a person down and stand 
over them, as well as 'hold' them until help arrives.  This is a 
serious issue regarding behavior/temperament and we would all be well 
served with continuing dialogue.

We must all remember that we own a large, guardian breed and must be 
responsible for our dogs.  It is very easy to forget that they are 
not just big, fluffy, mushballs. Any one of us could be faced with a 
similar situation.  We may think we know the temperament of our dogs, 
until such a situation arises. 

Taos, New Mexico