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RE: Fwd: [PyrNet-L] Re: Chat:Behavior, pyr that bit

I've listened to this thread with interest.  I'm extremely puzzled by the effort put into justifying
what this dog did.  In the city in which I live according to the by-laws this dog would be on "death
row".....10 days of quarantine for observation prior to euthanizing the dog. As an owner who loves
her dogs dearly, I would comply with the order because of the gravity of the bite and the completely
inappropriate and unpredictable behaviour of the pyr towards a child/person. I could never trust
that dog again, nor forgive myself if the actions were repeated.

As a side note,  a 6 year old girl was killed by a Mastiff in Toronto recently.  The child was
playing in the backyard of the dogs home with children of the owners family.  The dog knew this
child, the children were not running and screaming and acting like prey.  The dog was let out into
the yard, went straight for the child biting her on the neck.  The jugular vein was punctured and
the child bled out before help could arrive.  This dog had never acted in this way before. The dog
was voluntarily euthanized by the owners.

My point is, there comes a time when you have to look at moral responsibility and legal liability
and do what is right.


Colette & Warrick Wilson
Avignon Reg'd Kennels
Great Pyrenees & Berger des Pyrenees
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada