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[PyrNet-L] Re: Pyr that bit

I've been very interested in this thread.  Not long after we got
Beethovan last November, my 6 year old daughter went visiting the family
we bought him from.  Beethovan's parents are working "goat dogs"... they
guard a large flock of goats but have always been friendly to the
family's little girl and her friends!  Since the pups were born, my
daughter had been going over there and out into the field to see the
pups!  The parents of the pups were always around, as were the goats!
Then one day, they went out there, right after our whole family had been
out there to pick out a pup (including small toddlers) and the father
dog suddenly jumped up and knocked my daughter down, stood over her and
bit her face!  She managed to get away and the dog did not pursue her!
She ended up with 5 cuts on her face and had 15 stitches!  They are
barely visible now, which I'm very thankful for!

I understood the dog to be doing his job.  The owner had been in the
house for a minute, putting things away and didn't see it happen.  He
tells me there were new baby goats out in the field and I guess the dog
must have been protecting them, although my daughter never displayed
aggressive behavior!  She only walked up to him to give him a pat, on
her way to see the pups.  We did not press charges against the man and
he said he'd be putting the dog down!  He never did though, since he was
the best "goat dog" he had.  I don't hold anything against the owner and
fully understand the dog was doing his job and that was all!

But I watch Beethovan now very closely, worried that he will decide that
biting is ok in order to protect his "flock"!  I have introduced him to
every child I can find, taken him to soccer games and practices, he
sleeps in the house at night, my toddlers climb all over him... I have
tried to be sure he is well adjusted but worry now that he may also, one
day decide to protect his charges this way!  He barks when in the yard,
at cats or bunnies or whatever is out there!  He's always been very good
to the cats and has never growled at a toddler climbing all over him or
giving him a childish hug!  He sits calmly and watches over the kids
when they are outside playing, even their friends!  He's a wonderful
playmate and guard for them but I watch him very closely now!

Thanks for listening!  I've never written to this list before but have
enjoyed all the posts!   Beethovan surely is no show dog but a very well
beloved Pyr!

Melissa  (Mom of Beethovan)