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Re: [PyrNet-L] Biting Pyr

 Autumn B. Ferguson <aferguso@aug.edu>
> He is not neutered yet
> as this cannot be done until December.  

It may be due to finances or some other reason, but physically a pup can be
neutered very safely and efficiently at 8 weeks of age.  They've been doing
it for better than 20 years.  The earlier the neuter, the less male
hormones kick in, and that can greatly  mellow the dog.  The longer you
wait to neuter, the longer it will take for any effects of neutering to be
noticable, for the hormones will have to get out of his system.

As far as a 7 year old visiting at this time, if you have the two together,
I would be watching very closely.  I have 4 children (and 4 dogs <g>) and
just a child running says "play with me" to a pup, and a 4 month old pup
can easily knock over a child or break skin not really meaning to.   Start
disciplining this pup immediately - they grow very big, very fast.  Any
time your dog mouthes, you need to grab hold of him and let him know just
how much you do not like it!  E-mail me privately if you want more info on
alpha/dominant training.  You need to be the alpha head honcho - not your
dog!  <g>

Patti Brunkala