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Re: [PyrNet-L] Heidi in Puppy Pre-school


Murden, Deanna wrote:


Thanks for the post! Sounds like Heidi is doing extremely well in
school.  Making us all proud!

Amen to that!  I was extremely tickled to read about Heidi's adventures!
I currently have a (.....hmm,  8...9...10....) 11 week old pyr at home,
and we're looking for a good (and affordable) obedience school to enroll
in.  SNIP! So I decided to teach her something else to alternate
rewarding for......so we begin to walk around the yard on the leash.
10-15 ft of good "look at me" walking and I give her a treat. (she sits
anyways).  Now knowing I have treats, she sits and looks at me and won't
walk.  So while I'm trying to teach her to walk, she's spontaneously
sitting and looking pretty.....<sigh>.
GIGGLE!  Sitting and looking pretty is a bad thing?
Lucy also is **very** excited about children.
Weezie continues to be Astonished when any person walks by her and doesn't stop to coo and boo over her.  What is wrong with this person?
        [>]  I had always read that pyr's are "stubborn" to train, but
never read if they are considered to be intelligent or not.  So you're
comment from the trainer was interesting.   Up until now, I figured Lucy
was doing alot of reading at night!!!
        (she is one extrememly good puppy!)
My trainer also thinks Pyrs are very smart:  but maybe Lucy is burning the midnight oil! 
       [>]  One last "inquiry" I have....Does Heidi still play-bite??
[>]  We're doing our best to be firm that she not do this,  will it get
better? is this just a phase? teaching is mildly effective at this
point...a play session seems to consist of "Lucy No! Lucy OUCH! Lucy No!
OUCH!" etc. etc. etc.....
Grin.  Yes, it gets better.  For a few weeks there I thought I was going to lose my mind.  Those puppy needle teeth are insidious.  Scream loud!  when she chomps, and if she does it more than about 3 times try stomping off and leaving her, while grumbling theatrically (the Ian Dunbar approach.)  (Of course, I forgot:  at this stage you can't leave them for a second or they will swim the English Channel (AKA the water dish) or stick boots on their head.

Oh, heck, I can't resist.  For a few ideas on some games/training games to play with your pup, I have some training notes on my heretofore deep dark secret web page which only existed for my personal tinkering.  The puppy stuff is at:

 The page really isn't what I want it to be yet, and the obedience links aren't ready yet....but.....maybe you'll find some fun games to work on!

Have fun with that pup!

Jane Gill