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[PyrNet-L] kids & dogs

Hi Mitzi Potter & Ann Wetherilt!  Loved your comments on the above subject. Sure glad I'm not alone out there in my thinking.
Here's a cute story which happened today.  I let both dogs out in the yard (which we had thought we made dig-proof - silly us).  After about 10 mins my Samoyed started barking furiously (he does not usually bark much anymore). I ran out to see what was going on & he was standing about 3 ft. from Heidi, barking madly.  Heidi was busily digging away at a hole which was already about 18inches deep. She was ignoring him.  When he saw me, he shut up & stood there first  looking at her then at me as if to say "See, she's doing it again".  I can remember that exact look on my children when they tattled on each other & sincerely hoped that trouble was brewingfor the child being tattled on.  It was all I could do to reprimand her without breaking up in laughter.  I think everyone who is contemplating having children should spend time raising puppies first.  It's a bit of practice for the real thing & much more fun than a bag of flour or a computer baby.

Kathy, Joe, Chewbear(Sammy) and Heidi(pyr)
Wish you well.. Woof, Woof