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Re: [PyrNet-L] New puppy

In a message dated 98-07-21 17:24:08 EDT, you write:

<< I recently bought a Pyr puppy and wish I had found this list sooner. I
 you could say, I did everything wrong. I didn't research the breed
 brought the pup home too early, and was unsure how to discipline her. >>


Let me ask you this question since it is obviously so easy to make judgements
on this issue?  Did the puppy Snarl or growl at your child before biting? Or
was it just a nipping incident as if in play?  Was your child trying to take
something away or get something off of floor.  You post, upon reading it
again, was unclear as to what the actual situation was that led up to the
nipping of your child.  Sammi actually bit the end of my nose once shortly
after I had brought her home, and drew blood.  But we were also on the floor
having play time, so I knew that this was not a malicious act on her part.
She was just playing like a puppy who had not had proper training.  It was the
next day I called my trainer to help me as there had been some nipping of hand
prior to this.  Having read a book before I got her, I knew of the
difficulties one could experience with Pyrs.  And since I myself am not a
trainer, called one for help.  I had never owned a Pyr before nor had I
trained a puppy before I just knew that I wanted the type of dog that
Paddington is one that I could take anywhere around anyone with absolutely NO
FEAR of any problems.It took 1 good home sessions and a few  weeks of
following her instructions and the nipping stopped-FOREVER!  Now she does the
cutest little chew-chews on the end of my nose to show me she loves me but it
is ever so gentle and with her front teeth only and is always followed by a
big slobbery kiss!!!
Obviously not everyone does there homework prior to purchasing a puppy but at
least you have the courage to ask for help and I hope that some of us have
been able to help you a bit.  Go with what feels right in your heart, it is
your family.  But as much a terror as she may seem to be now--when they
outgrow that puppy phase they are truely the most wonderful pets to be owned
by.  But I would highly reccommend getting a professional trainer, if even for
1 - 1 hour session.  
Good luck and please keep us posted!
