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Re: [PyrNet-L] dog collars

Thanks for the informed post about pinch collars, Adrienne! We have used
one on Paddington for about 4 years, under the direction of our trainer
who has the same approach that you suggest. When she uses them in classes
or with individuals, she insists that we don't actually "correct" the dog,
but rather it gives a self correction when it doesn't go along with the
command. I should add that she doesn't put a pinch on a young puppy, or on
any dog until it actually knows the commands themselves (through what she
calls "kitchen training"--using treats, affection, whatever positive
affirmation works to have the dog learn the basics off-leash in the
house). I always walk Paddington on a pinch because of his size and
strength, and his occasional efforts to demonstrate to another large male
that he owns the greater Boston metropolitan area. As someone mentioned
yesterday, he is not afraid of it, but rather comes leaping when I pick it
up. And I never have to give him a correction with it--he knows he has it
on by the sound. I find it far more humane than risking having him lunge
on a choke or even a flat collar and risk tracheal or other damage. 
I think the key with this, as with other training methods, is having an
experienced trainer who understands dogs, including breed temperament and
characteristics, and really knowing your own dog(s).
Ann W