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Re: [PyrNet-L] Intro and question

RE: Galaxi's Q. on bathing & grooming

I second Kathy's post. Mukki loves the water- and when we're on a hike
that's when he gets the dirtiest. But I find that it all tends to brush out
when his coat is dry. Of course, there's the smell but that's a different

When we first got him, his breeder said there was no problem with washing
him once a week- but in reality (since it's somewhat complicated) he gets
bathed more like once every month. His first bath was done at the groomer's-
and from watching them, I learned a lot.

I do however, brush him every day. It takes me about 20 minutes- he's still
only a little over 5 months- but I find it incredibly helpful in the long
run. No major mats or anything- though of course his coat has not come into
its own yet. So I find it fairly easy to keep everything under control with
just a slicker brush and a comb. I trim his pads every now and then, nails
too if they need it- or if it's starting to feel a little too sharp when he
crawls over us in play. I have to clean his ears once a week.

I do brush his teeth- but that's just because I like to tempt fate and his
JAWS OF DEATH with my finger brush. Just kidding. We have a little ritual
thing going.

His coat is very white- blue white for the most part with cream around the
ears. I only add that because a little maintenance can go a long way. I meet
a lot of people who think I spend hours on him. NOT the case. Though I guess
it adds up in a week- but grooming is part of our down time together. And I
can toss in a massage too- and belly rub.

*My partner has said he'd happily lie down for a good grooming and massage
the way Mukki does. So I guess Mukki looks pretty happy.

You can also use those no-water shampoos for touch-up jobs. But I've found
them unnecessary- because the dirt really comes out with brushing or even
simply lying on an old sheet (in our car on the way back from a hike). If
his underbelly is dirty, I just hose water under there and make sure all the
dirt is off- that's less than 5 minutes. If the smell bothers you, there are
various sprays- dealing with dander, odor, etc.

Best wishes,

P.S. A pox and hex on all those who deliberately drop bubble-gum on the
pavements, etc. That can be really tricky to get off pads!