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[PyrNet-L] Rainbow is here!

 (Am sending this out to 2 lists-sorry if you get a duplicate)   
    My Rescue Pyr is here! Marcie with Pyr Rescue in the far north US
drove her 4 hrs to meet Lisa with Magic Moment kennels who had also
driven several hours. Lisa gave her a ride back to her own house in
Cleveland and kept her overnight (and also did a wonderful job on her
coat, I might add!). Lisa took her to a park in Cleveland, OH where
Merry Lou Crist met her and picked the dog up and drove her ALL the
way from Cleveland, OH to southern Kentucky. Merry Lou kept her
overnight and turned around *the *next *day and made a12 hr round
trip drive to Little Rock, AR where I met her at 10:30 PM last night
to pick the Pyr up and drive the 6 hrs back to Oklahoma City.
   However-she is not "the rescue Pyr" any longer, she is MY DOG and
her name is now "Rainbow". Lisa saw a rainbow the night she had her
while she was outside slicing away mats on her coat, so Lisa has said
all along that this "Pyr Trip" was blessed by the rainbow. What
better name than Rainbow??
   This dog is absolutely AWESOME!! That's the only word I can use to
describe her! She's went through so much, been taken from the only
home she'd ever known, been spayed, stayed overnight at 4 completely
strange places altogether, traveled 1,000 miles in 2
days...........and she laid her head in my lap all the way home and
gazed up at me like I was God. The look in her eyes made me want to
cry. She trusts me 100% to take care of her, even though others in
her life have let her down. 
    We went through the "official" introductions with Rainbow & my
other 8 dogs this morning. All my worries about introducing an adult
into my household of dogs were for nothing. My Golden made a play bow
and all of a sudden I had 8 dogs (the Newfie pup was inside <g>)
bouncing and flopping all over the yard having themselves the time of
their lives playing! Rainbow LOVES to play! She dearly loves my 2 yr
old son and didn't give the cats a second glance. I'm going to give
her plenty of time alone in the next few days until she gets her
bearings, but judging from all the signs these 9 are going to do
absolutely fine. Rainbow is quite dog-friendly just like my other
Pyrs, very mellow and slow moving-she acts so much like my own Pyrs
that I'd swear I'd raised her. 
   It just FLOORS me that someone didn't want this dog!! This is THE
ultimate perfect dog......and SOMEone didn't want her!!! My husband
and I were so in love with her by the time we got home he said they'd
have to pry his cold dead fingers off of her collar before they'd
ever get her away from him <BG>. 
    God, I love this dog.
Mitzi Potter   OKC  OK