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[PyrNet-L] CHAT, EVENTS: Sept. 26th GPCPS Versatility Hike

   Well, we had such a fun time Saturday! The Great Pyrenees Club Of Puget
Sound sponsored a Versatility Hike at Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington
on Sept. 26th. It was a beautiful, scenic 5-mile hike that Dave scouted out
for us amongst the trees, even some old-growth ones, and views of the Puget
Sound.  Those in attendance were:

     Dave Miller and his pyr Oly  
     Janice Vocke and son Mark and their pyr Albert
     Nancy Hoff and daughter Laura and their pyr Heidi (Albert's sister!)
     Eric & Susan Richards and their 2 pyrs Bianca and Belle (sisters)
     Becky Reisch and her pyr Klondike

   It was so neat to meet such a great group of people and their pyrs!! It was
really a great day! The weather cooperated, too. It got sunny, but not too
hot. It was an extra-special treat for me to meet Becky and Klondike, too, as
Becky and I have written e-mails back & forth and never met until then!  I'm
now anxious to join the club and look forward to more activities and meeting
more pyrs and their owners and taking part in more activities. Can't wait to
get the photos developed and relive it all!! 
   Albert did not want to leave after the hike! Had to lift him in the van to
get him to go!! Of course, as usual Albert and Heidi couldn't get enough of
playing together! After the hike we (Nancy, Laura, Mark, myself and Albert &
Heidi) went to a local burger place and got burgers for all (yes - ALL!) and
ice cream cones for Albert and Heidi and shakes for the rest of us! Then we
went to Wright Park to have a picnic! 
   What a super day!!! Loved it!! 
:)  &  :)```   (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, Washington