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Re: [PyrNet-L] Midnight battle on the Pasture front.

You know I think every breed was developed with a specific 
purpose in mind and they all have some inherit instinct of some 
type.  So, when they aren't out doing their original jobs it's the 
owner's responsibility to cultivate and redirect that inherit instinct 
into some useful purpose whatever that may be.  Now Sonny used 
to be swapped in and out of pastures as a lgd when he was with 
his breeder.  Now I don't seem to see where he misses it one bit.  
But then he's kept a little too busy to be really concerned about his 
past life and seems to enjoy his current one.  And frankly I'm 
usually too busy to post other than I'm at a home with a bug of 
some type.  Sonny's off to shows and goes to obedience classes 
training and has been learning carting and starts draft classes 
again next week.  He will be seen at some future pyr draft test 
working on getting his titles and he's gonna give it his best try 
when he does.  I also belong to a carting club and he'll be seen out 
at events and parades once his training is complete just like my 
newf is now.  Now what really bothers me is I'm always asked he's 
a pyrenees...... they're not good obedience dogs, they're not good 
this and they're not good that and you mean he enjoys it.  Frankly, 
I get real tired of hearing this!  And I decided not to tell Sonny he's 
not supposed to be good at what he's doing either.  He's coming 
along just as well in draft as my newf did who has her draft title and 
he's training up against our newf draft training.  

Janice, janices@jump.net 
Admiral & Bianca....newf & pyr.....we're retired.....we get to do 
what we want.....hehehe 
Linsey & Sonny.....newf & pyr.....nobody told us we couldn't do it