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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr Questions

My two aren't purebred - they're pyr/lab, but I've found it *too easy to raise
littermates!  Actually, I'm hardly doing the raising.  They raise ea. other.  They
are too funny!
If one needs to go outside, the other one doesn't want to miss out on the fun so
he follows his 'brudder' and they always do their duty at the same time.
One goes in his crate to nap, the other figures that's a good idea too.
If one sits for a treat the other will see what's up and follow suit.
They exercise each other with their play.
They're now 6 1/2 months old and they're two of the sweetest pups I've ever
seen.  I think they're very lucky and happy to have each other!!
It's 8:00 am and they're already down for their morning nap....just like a babe!<g>
Cindy Zellick
Chico, CA USA

> Ooohh buddy-are you ever brave LOL!!!! I'm really interested in hearing how it went
> raising *4* at once! <BG>. There was a female pup in my youngest Pyr's litter (4 mo
> old now) that I wanted so bad I couldn't quit thinking of her until I found out she'd gone
> to her new home (lucky guy named Pat!) The only thing that stopped me was I've never
> raised 2 pups at the same time. Several months apart doesn't seem like a big deal,
> actually the more I thought about it, the easier 2 of the same age seemed.
> So. How'd it go????