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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr Questions

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 16:30:40 -0600, clhenke@juno.com wrote:

>Hi folks,
>I have four 8-mo. old Pyrs., that we got at 8 weeks old.  One
>male, 3 female, siblings, all neutered or spayed now.

Ooohh buddy-are you ever brave LOL!!!! I'm really interested in hearing how it went 
raising *4* at once! <BG>. There was a female pup in my youngest Pyr's litter (4 mo 
old now) that I wanted so bad I couldn't quit thinking of her until I found out she'd gone 
to her new home (lucky guy named Pat!) The only thing that stopped me was I've never 
raised 2 pups at the same time. Several months apart doesn't seem like a big deal, 
actually the more I thought about it, the easier 2 of the same age seemed. 
So. How'd it go????

>We are absolutely nuts about these pups, and adore them deeply. 
>Through lots of years we have experienced large to giant breeds, Great
>Danes, and Mastiffs among them, so we are not without experience.  Both
>showing in conformation and obedience.  We may yet do obedience with this
>crew, just for fun.

Pyrs are a world away from Danes and Mastiffs aren't they??? People think all giant 
breeds are made the same. Ah, not so :-) As far as obedience? I guess it'd HAVE to be 
for fun with this breed because they don't seem to be known for their obedience ;-) 
Although I honestly don't agree with that particlar opinion.

>The books give us the minimum standards for size.  All pups have
>reached those, and of course optimum weight comes with age.  Can some one
>give me an idea of what a good average Pyr. would most likely be at 8-mo?
> Our loveable lump of a male is almost 30" at 8-mo.  Is that good?  When
>does their height growth stop in this breed?  My smallest female is 25"
>at this age, with the other two girls between those.  Does all of this 
>come out fairly average?

That sounds fine to me. My boys all got taller before they filled out. They had the 
majority of their height by the time they were 9-10 months old. And at 8 months all of 
my boys weighed about 80 lbs, too, by the way. With your girls, I don't know. I don't 
have experience with females, I got both of mine as adults. It doesn't sound out of line 

>We have been totally fascinated with the flexibility of these
>dogs per size.  Having the four, watching them play is entertainment in
>itself.  It seems nothing for them to do a standing jump right over one
>another.  Is this flexibility part of this breed, and do they retain it?

I've got 6 Pyrs (but one's a pup) and they're all that agile! I've got an 8 yr old female 
that can leap over 2 of the boys from a standing position! My other breeds are Goldens 
and a Newf and they're hips & muscles are nowhere NEAR good enough to be able to do 
that! My 8 yr old & 3 yr old female Pyrs both can jump straight up in the air, turn in a 
full circle and land facing the same direction. Not bad for 100 lb dogs, huh?? LOL!!

>Can the breed be barky? 

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! lol!! ROFL!!!!  Barky? Nah <VBG>.

>So far, single Pyr. owners tell me that
>their dogs are very quiet.  I would expect that multiples may encourage
>more vocalization.  But mine  for the most part can really get going. 
>That same smaller female of mine is one of those that actually has to
>have the last word!  What she lacks in size she makes up for in
>personality!!  The thing is, you can't get mad at them, they are such a
>social happy lot!

Mine all egg each other on, too. They are known to be barkers, but it's not the yappy 
sharp kind of bark like an Aussie or Border Collie. It's a deep soothing kind of bark. If 
barks can sound calm, that's what it is. Mine don't start barking until they're around 
12-18 months for some reason. It's like they just don't get around it until then.

>Also, at this age, is it common for them to be in a wide variety
>of coat stages?  I have one female who is beautiful in long snowy white
>top guard hairs, but not much undercoat yet.  At the other end, one
>female still seems to have an enormous amount of that soft downy puppy
>coat.  The two in the middle have what I would think would be a normal
>mix of guard hair vrs. undercoat for the breed.  How long does it usually
>take for the pups to start really getting adult coats?  I am not talking
>about the elegant coat of a really mature Pyr.  Just some kind of

Yup, very typical. At 8 months they only have about 1/3 of the coat that they're going 
to get. And it's all growing in crooked and out of order.

>As I said, we adore these kids, their personalities are beyond
>reproach and they are so bright and quick to learn.  We will love them no
>matter how they turn out, because they were bought as companions, and
>they sure are every ones best friends around here!  What a magnificent

They're beyond sainthood. I adore these dogs. You know the words that you can't ever 
find to describe how you feel about your kids? That's how I feel about Pyrs. I can't ever 
quite find the right words so that people really "know" how much I love these dogs.

>Oh, and if anyone has info on training them to a cart, I would
>appreciate that as well.  It seems like a fun way to keep their very
>active minds and bodies occupied!

I know there's several web sights about carting. Janice in Texas does carting with her 
dogs if I remember right. Janice? It really does sound like a wonderful activity for 

>Thank you all so much, for any info. you can pass on!  I am so
>happy to find a group for this marvelous breed.

And you know we're great people if we all have Pyrs, too, huh??? LOL!!
Welcome to the list. I'm so glad you're on it!!! Now maybe they'll quit teasing ME about 
having so many <G>.
~Mitzi  Potter   
~Pyrs@prodigy.net   Okla City   OK