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Re: [PyrNet-L] Multiple males & Pups!

Jane,  I'm sure you will learn more from the Pyr. folk who have had long
term experience with their boys.  With the Mastiffs, you would definitely
have a problem, one that over time wears away at you.  Even though we had
Ranger ( our Pyr. )                neutered at seven mo.,  I have a
feeling that it would be the same, in most ways I find the Pyrs. closer
to their roots than the Mastiffs were.  And the Pyrs. have to be more
territorial to do their job!  You may be able to do it, but I can't
imagine you would retain any pleasure in multiple males.  Unless they
were all neutered at the 3 mo. stage or something?  Believe me, fighting
males in any of these larger sizes is not a pretty sight!  My advice
would be it just is not worth it!  I myself would never do it again.

On the other hand, I cannot see a pup being a problem, as long as you
made sure the other dogs were not made to be jealous.  Dogs universally
accept the young, and rarely, unless truly screwed up by humans, will
give a pup much trouble.  Monitor closely, allowing the pup to find his
niche in the group, and I can't see a problem.  If it is a male, then
your back to neuter early.  A female should be just fine, till you have
to deal with those other problems!  I take anything and everything in and
have never had a problem adding to the family.  Just Monitor closely,
please!  Again, I am new to Pyrs., so it will help you more to listen to
true Pyr. owners.  Mine is just advice from living with dogs in general,
and giant breeds.  Good Luck!   Cindy Henke

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