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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Any other whirling dervish pyrs?

In a message dated 12/14/98 10:05:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
MagEBroD@aol.com writes:

<< Another pyr owner Karen was just sharing with me how her Shasta chases her
 tail.  I said that Albert at age 14 months had just started that about a week
 ago.  They are hysterical!!  Albert gets going around so fast!!   Regular
 whirling dervish!!  And nothing is safe when he's doing it!  We all grab our
 glasses and batten down the hatches!!
 Anyone else's pyrs do this? >>

Both Cooper and Zoe do this, its usually when their all revved up and playing.
Another thing Cooper does when he wants our attention is sit and "Talk back".
Thats what we call it. Its not a bark, but his mouth goes through the motion
and many little grunts come out, kind of like Mr. Ed, the horse.  He also
howls when my daughter plays the keyboard.  Very vocal this guy of mine.
Becky, Cooper and Zoe( who cocks her head when he does this)