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Re: [PyrNet-L] Flock Guardian Pyr Problem

TMy point being that I think a dog that severely bites, is choosing to

> inflict pain and suffering with forethought and is clearly a
> decision on their part to bite down hard.

> Hi,

     Good point. Yet, the reason for the severe bit or any bite is

>   This is the type of guard dog that
> I would own.

    Me too. And I do. What a fabulous story!

>  You can take a guard dog in your car to the gas
> station and it is not going to attack the attendant through the
> window because it knows this is not a hostile situation.

    Yup! That's my babies. But, let a stranger try to enter my car
without my knowledge, well, Jonah and Lexi would just not hear of it.  I
think that brains do have lot's to do with aggression in dogs. But, not
as much as people do.    Thanks for the story.
    Take good care, Judith