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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr Rescue in Maine

Just in case this helps anyone in the future.  The Fund For Animals Spay
and Neuter Clinic in Dallas will spay an adult female for $35.00 and
neuter an adult male for  $ 25.00 ( prices as of Nov., at least ).  This
really good price for having them done could help in the future. 
Especially if we know about it during transit from one area to another,
and they are passing this way.  For a short period of time, I am sure we
could work something out over lay-over care.  There is also one in
Houston, although I don't know if all prices are the same, and it may
bear looking into?  Fund for Animals web site is 
that might help some who can access it.
Dallas phone number is 214=372-9999 for the clinic there.  This is the
5th one open, so we should find others around the country.  I found the
facilities to be immaculate and the care outstanding.  Pyrs. can have a
reaction to anesthetic, and I had multiple call backs checking on Silver
( couldn't get her body temp. back up ).  So this might help with costs. 
I am not sure, but they may help with rescue groups too on rates.  Can
someone with internet see if this works?  Cindy H.
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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