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Re: [PyrNet-L] patella post-surgery care

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:57:17 PST, BARBARA BOWES wrote:

>Folks, I am fostering a bitch for Rescue that has a luxating patella. We 
>have someone who is interested in adopting her but they need some 
>detailed info on her post-surgery care to make an informed decision. 
>They have a very calm male Pyrenees already and seem very nice. They are 
>supposed to call me back tonight and I was hoping that someone out there 
>who has dealt with this surgery could let them know what's involved. 
>Unfortunately my vet is off today so I can't reach him. I also know that 
>the care has to be tailored to the specific dog but any info you could 
>give would be a tremendous help. This girl is very sweet and needs to go 
>to a home where she can settle in and stay. Thanks in advance.

Recovery is a peice of cake, Barbara. I've never gone through it but I've seen many 
many dogs who have. Aftercare mainly consists of just not letting her run and 
wrestle around for 6-8 wks after surgery. With most Pyrs that's pretty easy to do. 
If she's the active type (ha-a Pyr?) they may need to walk her outside on a leash 
when she's outside and to go potty. Something like that shouldn't be anything that 
scares them off if they like the dog. It wouldn't stop me long enough to blink <G>.
My 8 yr old Golden had hip surgery (TPO) when she was 7 months old. I had to 
keep her still, no running, etc for 2 months. THAT was rather difficult after the 
1st week. But an adult Pyr should post no problem whatsoever.
Mitzi Potter