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Re: [PyrNet-L] RE: Chat, Behavior: Barking problems

<< Melissa, I'm seriously interested in this topic.
 I can understand how some would think that shocking a dog could be
 inhumane.  Barking is only intolerable by humans.  Dogs think it is very
 acceptable and will always continue to do it.  Hence they are going to 
 get shocked alot of times in their lifetime.  You, on the on the other hand,
 state the debarking is cruel an inhumane...  but you didn't explain why...
 I would be very curious to know your reason... >>

Well Tim, personally too me, it is an issue of morality I guess. No, I am not
preaching. But I hear alot of "oh, it's just a dog". And I hate that. I just
think it is wrong to go hacking out an animals vocal chords. Not that the
procedure itself is extremely painful, but what about the psycological
effects? I know it sounds crazy but, How does it make the dog feel? I am not
an animal rights finatic, but like I said, I think it is kind of a moral
thing. I mean, at least put an effort into the training. The "shock" devices
do not do anything permanant and irriversable to the animal. And I think
nuisance barking is a habit that can be broken. (if you take the time to try)
Training animals takes time. They learn by repetition for the most part. I
probably came off more rude than I meant to be. Everyone has their own
opinions, and that is mine.

Melissa, Maddie, Samson and Tanner