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Re: [PyrNet-L] RE: Chat, Behavior: Barking problems

><< I think I would rather have the dog surgically debarked than to use an
> electric collar.  When they are surgically debarked it does not totally take
> away the bark, it just makes it much quieter.  I've had a long discussion
> our vet about the procedure.  Even she feels that debarking would be more
> humane than electric shock. >>
>AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't believe what I just read. ( I am a Vet Tech
>Student and employed by a vet) Sorry but I have to flame on this one- I think
>that debarking is cruel and inhumane. Okay- I feel better now. Sorry.
>Melissa, Maddie, Samson and Tanner

Melissa, I'm seriously interested in this topic.
I can understand how some would think that shocking a dog could be
inhumane.  Barking is only intolerable by humans.  Dogs think it is very
acceptable and will always continue to do it.  Hence they are going to 
get shocked alot of times in their lifetime.  You, on the on the other hand,
state the debarking is cruel an inhumane...  but you didn't explain why...
I would be very curious to know your reason...

Tim Parks