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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT, Rescue: Vicious dog

In a message dated 12/22/98 5:27:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,
kreiter@servtech.com writes:

<< Do we know these statements to be "facts" or are they someone's
 interpretation?   I certainly don't know where the information originated or
 where the poster(s) of this information got the data from.  I'm not
 questioning it, I'm saying that it might be true, it might be the poster's
 interpretation, it might be alot of things.  >>

I, Janice Vocke respond:
    I posted all these quotes from the various people already. It was very
time consuming and if you did not read it, then you must have not been that
interested in where the various information came from then. I only know of one
error that was attributed to me, but I was NOT the original poster of it &
that is that the woman is elderly and she is not. (Not that it matters
anyway.) Someone before me had mentioned she was old or older and I changed it
to the more politically correct version: elderly.  I did not know that this
information was false or I would not have posted it.  I apologize for
referring to someone else's incorrect information.  Of course if we had gotten
the information I kept requesting we would have had the correct information
and this mistake would not have happened. The most information we have
received has been from the corner of the supporters of this Tatra that
attacked. I keep saying that we need the ambulance crews' statements, the Dr's
report, the victim's report, neighbor's reports, Prosecutor's reports, and
animal control's reports and the statements from the animal shelter's
employees. We need the whole story. If we had it we would have known her age.
And the exact blood alcohol levels of BOTH parties possibly. I have been
reading the information on four separate lists: PYR-L, pyrnet-l. Flockguard, &
LGD Horizons. It really doesn't matter what age the vicitm was!  And the fact
that Joe, the dog owner obviously deemed that she was not too drunk to  make
decisions about her body and sexual relations and he also decided that she did
not need sobering up before hitting the sheets, says a lot about this whole
case. People are assuming now that the dog was not used to being around
someone who had been drinking. How do we know that?  Maybe it is something the
dog is used to?? Maybe not. But the point is we do not know!  We only know
what the dog's supporters have allowed us to know.
   That he, Joe,  and Jeannine DePalma and Tom Murray would all take me to
task and send me insulting private e-mails on Christmas Eve seems ridiculous
under the circumstances! They also on Christmas Eve accused me falsely of
writing about this case on Christmas Eve when I was in fact off-line from the
evening of Dec. 23rd until Dec. 26th so I could enjoy my holidays.  Good thing
or their letters would have ruined my holidays.  If you read the date and time
above my posts you would know that. Sure is a good thing you all played a part
in getting Joe out for Christmas, huh?  So he can spend his time insulting
people!  I think it is pathetic that that is how he, Jeanine DePalma and Tom
Murray chose to spend their time on Christmas Eve!! 
   I think that if and only if a person trained in working with vicious/
aggressive dogs evaluates the dog and it is found to be a good candidate for
rehabilitation and that person agrees to take over the training of that dog
and keep it away from the public until it is rehabilitated then under those
conditions the dog could possibly be released. Since their are no doggie
prisons, if this cannot happen then the only safe alternative is euthanasia. I
personally would rather see the money go to helping a dog that has not bitten
in rescue, but that is just me. I think the costs shoud be the dog owner's
responsibility. Since he acted in an irresponsible manner. I support him being
released as he has (and is now sending me insulting e-mails) so that he can
work and become a productive member of society and be able to pay for the
medical expenses of this victim and also for rehabilitation of this dog should
the judge decide to release it. Even though he has done nothing but be
insulting to me I would rather see him support himself than the taxpayers
support him. I can see no value in that. Also my prayers are with anyone that
may choose to try to rehabilitate this dog.  And anyone it may come in contact
This post copyrighted by writer, Janice Vocke and may not be used in part and
must only be reprinted by permission of owner of copyright, Janice Vocke.

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.