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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyrnet.org has moved

    Dearest Richard,
    If you mean that the responsibility of the list has changed hand's,
as well as places...Well I for one will miss you! You have always been a
great help to me with Pyr-Net.  Most especially, when I first joined and
was so naive and computer illiterate! <g>
    I am sure that I am just one of many, many pyr people that you have
helped. I would like to thank you ever so much for all the good thing's
that you have done.
    It must be an enormous responsibility to take care or Pyr-Net and
it's Pyr-Netter's. You have done so most competently, responsibly,
patiently ( I think, <g>). There have been times that I have been in awe
of the fact that you've 'always' been there, for all of us when we
needed you. Even on holiday's!
    Thank you for all that you have done for us and thank you for being
a gentleman while you did it!
    My very best to you,
    Judith, Jonah & Lexi
    PS. Hope we'll see ya' here sometime!

> I have just completed the move of pyrnet.org to its new home.  It
> appears
> functional.  DNS resolving may be erratic for a couple days, but mail
> is trickling in.
> I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
> Richard
> --
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