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Re: [PyrNet-L] Welcome!

He does a lot of funny things all the time but I can't really think of
much at the moment. It was pretty funny when I took him to puppy
obedience class and was the last one to arrive so we sat in the back.
None of the other owners saw us come in. During the introduction
the little Golden, Lab, and other small pups would bark a little. Then
Bogey let out a deep bark and everybody spun around to see what
made that noise. He was at least twice as big as any other dog in the
class so he got a lot of attention. Especially on agility night. All the
litle pups were scared of the jumps, tunnels, ramps, etc. Bogey's
not scared of anything so he ripped right through the course. He got
a lot of laughs racing thru the tunnels. For all the things I've read about
Pyr's and obedience, I thought he did pretty well. Not snappy recalls
like the retrievers but he did complete everything. Now, obedience
at home is another matter! :-)


clhenke@juno.com wrote:

> Hi Randy ( and family ) welcome.  This is a great group and very helpful.
>  You will learn a lot from all the seasoned pro's, and it won't be long
> before you will be jumping right in.  Any cute stories about your pup?
> Again , welcome!
> Cindy Henke
> clhenke@juno.com
> Ennis, Texas