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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: Mattie tattling on Albert AGAIN!!

   For the second day Mattie has tattled on Albert!!  Yesterday it was when he
tried to escape his pen (unsuccessfully) and she got mad at him and raised a
ruckus and hubby went to investigate. 
   This morning Albert got scolded by me for starting to rip a hole in his new
quilt I jjust got him yesterday.  He had just made a hole in it about  an inch
& half around, but had started pulling the stuffing out of it.  Tonight Mattie
started having a fit and sounding really mad at Albert again in the entryway.
Hubby went to investigate again and Mattie was so mad because he was ripping
the stuffing out of his new quilt again!!  She knew that was a No-No and was
really bawling him out!!  Never had a tattling dog before!!  Strange, but

:(  &  :(  &  :/```
(me & Mattie grumping at Albert & Albert not sure what to make of this
tattling playmate.)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.