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[PyrNet-L] CHAT, HEALTH: Clondike--Show Dog??????!

Clondike is a spayed Pyr bitch, now 11 years and 4 months old.  She was
diagnosed with lymphoma in May of 1998 and has been doing chemo therapy
since, with some serious drug reactions along the way.

She is now in full remission and has held this for nearly 4 weeks since
her last chemo, which is a new combination of drugs called the DMAC
protocol.  You are supposed to do 10 treatments before a rest stage with
this protocol, but Clondike seems to be holding her own after only 3

Some weeks back I entered Clondike in the Veterans class at the GPCA
National Specialty coming up next week in Chicago.  I figured it would be
nice to have her name in a catalog and never really dreamed she'd be well
enough to attend.  Now she is doing so well my wife, Nancy, wants me to
actually show her.

Now Clondike is just a pet and differs from the Pyr standard on several
points, but today the oncologist said "have fun in Chicago and I'll see
you in 2 weeks," so I guess if Clondike stays well, we'll all 3 be hitting
the road to Chicago next Wed.

I hope no one will think we are showing a lack of respect for the true
show dogs, but I think in temperament Clondike exemplifies what a Pyr
should be, and she deserves her 3 minutes in the spotlight.  I, on the
other hand, am really scared and will probably fall flat on my face in the
ring, should we really make it that far.

Thanks to all for your support, and I hope to see some of you in Chicago.
Veterans Class could be good for a few laughs.

 David Kintsfather              | PHONE:       (610) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (610) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | INTERNET:    kintsfat@kutztown.edu
 PO Box 730                     |   "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |                Francis David