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Re: [PyrNet-L] GPCA protest rebuttal

As I stated in one of my posts, I am fairly new to this Internet stuff and
do not thoroughly understand this domain thing. Registered or not. Thank you
Warrick for giving me some insight on this. Since the subject was brought up
I think most of us are merely trying to ascertain the facts. As I don't
believe I have any personal knowledge of the parties involved, the only way
to find out the facts is to ask the questions. If, in fact, the Committee
appointed to look into this did recommend that the Board not uphold the
protest, then I suppose the reason they did not take the Committee's
recommendation is a question that should be asked of the Board. If the
letter was sent to the GPCA members in order to have a more democratic vote
on this person's membership application at the Annual Meeting, then it is
the letter that has informed all of a problem and questions as to the
validity of the allegations contained therein are a natural consequence of
the letter that was sent. It is obvious that emotions run high over this
issue and I suppose all will be resolved one way or the other at the
meeting. At least it won't be boring! If, in fact, the person applying for
membership was unjustly denied, then I hope the discussion and subsequent
vote will resolve the matter in a just manner for all parties involved. It
has been my observation over the years that usually there is one side of the
truth, the other side of the truth and somewhere in the middle of these is
the real truth of any given situation where disagreement has occurred. Good
luck to all!

Barb Bowes, NJ down at the shore!
Bo, Molly, Chelsea & Flopsy the Pyr Shep
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!