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Re: [PyrNet-L] early spaying/neutering

Janice, I think it great that you had Albert neutered so early.  You
confirmed what I had always heard about doing them that small.  It stands
to reason that the surgery itself would be much simpler when they are so
small and un-developed.  I assume at that age though they would have to
go inside to castrate, most males would not be developed too well at that
stage.  I had read about it, and heard that it worked really well with no
effect on over-all size.  I could not get a  Vet. in this area that would
actually do it that early, but I sure would have been willing to have
given it a try.  I'm just glad I managed to get all mine done before
sexual maturity, because I agree with you, I think it makes a big
difference with behavior problems.  And as far as I'm concerned....Ranger
can keep squatting for as long as he wants, my yard appreciates the no
leg lifting!  I appreciate hearing from someone who was able to actually
have a dog done at that age!  Cyn.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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