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Re: [PyrNet-L] Anais at 14 weeks


An update and a few questions...

Anais is now just over 14 weeks old and fitting in nicely.  She now
longer pounces on the other dogs indiscriminately.  She has learned not
to leap on the little 14 year olds in particular.  They don't mind
having her around as long as she exercises a bit of restraint.  She
still chases the Wolfhound around the yard, bites his tail and lips but
I think she's exercising a bit more restraint here too.  I do have to
intervene in the play when it gets rougher than I am comfortable with.
He is 150 pounds to her 36, after all.

She is getting kind of "leggy" all of a sudden, and it almost seems like
her back legs are longer than her front legs.  Is that normal at this

One question I would like some help with is:

She gets really dirty where the drool wets her "chin" and neck,
expecially if she digs in the dirt with her face wet from drinking or
drooling.  When doesn't she? <G>  I've tried washing with soap and water
or just water.  Nothing seems to take the black stains off her white
coat until it dries (like early in the morning) and then it just brushes
out.  But there seems to be no way to keep her looking clean during the
day.  Is there a trick to this?  I know I've seen Pyrs who are not black
under their mouths!  <G>

Any advice?

Stephanie & Anais and the rest