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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Heat!

You could try dampening her down with some water on the belly, 'underarms' and paws (not all over).  Or giving her ice cubes to munch on (make great cheap treats in summer - mine come running when the hear the rattle of ice cube trays!).  How about a wading pool or a water sprinkler to stand under and play with?  (Some like this, others not).  How about buying or making one of those 'cool mats' for her to lie on? (Trying to remember if it was here or somewhere else that someone had the instructions to make it - anyone remember?)  Hope this helps.
Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia

JOY is hot. I mean really hot. She has her luxurious coat back, but she is miserable. And she is not an outside girl. She is in the air-conditioned house cept to do her dainties! If anyone has ideas on how to beat the heat let us know. I do NOT want her shaved again! I was so traumatized by that and hubby is only just recently off restriction for THAT infraction!
Gitano Road Sanctuary(c)