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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Heat!

In a message dated 6/12/99 5:19:05 PM EST, espinay@dynamite.com.au writes:

<< Or giving her ice cubes to munch on (make great cheap treats in summer - 
mine come running when the hear the rattle of ice cube trays!). >>

The two pyrs we are currently showing love ice water from a paper cup.  While 
traveling, we usually stop at a McD's or similar fast food place and ask for 
4 cups of ice water.  We take the top off 2 of them, and hold them down for 
Baron and Zoe, who precede to lap up the water.  They love it!  We also put 
ice in their regular drinking water.  Also for the heat, we use fans.  At our 
last show, we had a small fan set by their crates.  They would lay in direct 
line of the breeze.

Regards, Robyn in South Carolina