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[PyrNet-L] DNA vaccines on the horizon

What's new on the horizon in vaccine efficacy and safety?  DNA vaccines it 

The information below is being forwarded with permission from the author, Dr. 
Bruce Smith, V.M.D., Ph.D., Auburn University, as posted on the CANGEN-L 
discussion list.

Kelley Hoffman

DNA vaccines (or more accurately Nucleic Acid Vaccines) are a new discovery, 
and as we like to say, represent the 3rd revolution in vaccinology!  These 
are composed of "naked" DNA, usually in the form of a "plasmid" (a circular
piece of DNA from bacteria) that carry an antigen gene.  When injected
intramuscularly, the DNA is taken up by a number of cell types, but most
importantly by "antigen presenting cells" or "dendritic cells".  The gene
is then copied into RNA, and the RNA translated into the protein.  Because
the protein is made inside the cell, the vaccine acts like a modified live
vaccine but it is a pure chemical - DNA and very much safer than a live
vaccine (for example DNA vaccines may be used in the pregnant bitch).  DNA
vaccines have the following advantages:  Stable long term at room
temperature, no adjuvant needed, both antibody and T-cell immunity are
generated, extremely high degree of safety.  More controversial is our
finding that DNA vaccines can overcome maternal antibody blockage of
immunization in pups as young as 2 or 3 weeks of age.

Our DNA vaccine for canine parvovirus was the first published for either
dogs or cats (ref:  Jiang, W., Baker, H.J., Swango, L.J., Schorr, J., Self,
M.J., and Smith, B.F. Nucleic acid immunization protects dogs against
challenge with virulent canine parvovirus.  Vaccine, 16(6), pp.601-607,
1998.). No DNA vaccine has been licensed by the USDA for use yet.  We are
currently in the process of negotiating the sale of our vaccine to a major
player in the veterinary biologics marketplace...but nothing concrete yet.
There are no commercially available DNA vaccines for any species including
human beings.


Bruce F. Smith V.M.D., Ph.D.          |  Scott-Ritchey Research Center
Director, Molecular Medicine Program  |  Auburn University, AL  36849
Director, Nucleic Acid Services, and  |  334-844-5587, 334-844-5850 (fax)
Associate Professor of Pathobiology   |  
"Evolution is a fact, get used to it"