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Re: [PyrNet-L] luxating patella

Sorry to hear about Bear.  I'm not familar with a "luxating patella", but did 
have one of our pyrs develope a limp at about 5 months of age.  Tanuki would 
favour the right front leg.  When we had him to the vet, our vet said that 
because he was growing at such a great rate (and did he ever grow!) that the 
soft tissue wasn't able to keep up with his bone growth.  Our vet told us the 
scientific term, but I don't remember off hand what it is for this condition. 
 He advised us to keep Tanuki from jumping around too much, but to let him 
have plenty of "controlled" exercise.  We also put him on glycoflex, one 
tablet twice a day, for several months.  Now, to watch him, you'd never know 
that he had a problem.  So, what's the point of my story - before choosing 
surgery, is there some less invasive measure that you can take?  Your pup may 
just be going through "growing pains".

Concerning your question about hip problems, genetics play a part in 
determining the soundness that the dog will have to work with.  But, other 
factors, such as diet, exercise, and even environment, play important roles 
in the development of sound hips.  If there is a problem with the patella 
popping out, this could lead to the dog walking funny, and causing a further 
problem with other parts of its body - just like when a person limps, stress 
is put on the other leg, often leading to the sound leg having problems.  Not 
that this is a condition that would be passed on in breeding, but it could 
cause problems for this dog.

Hope Bear has a good recovery!  Robyn