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[PyrNet-L] Re: puppy food switch

Thank you Jack, excellent point, and one that I fully agree with.  That's
why I referred to it as a trend.  Just like all the silly garbage that
has been going on with human food in the past few years ( Milk, eggs,
caffeine ) to name a few.  First it is horrible, killers, life shorteners
etc.  A few years later, oh well eggs are fine, caffeine isn't so bad,
and guess what, milk isn't going to kill us either!  And that is exactly
how people got to the point of living  as long as they do now, and
growing as tall!  I'm not knocking moderation, in all things, that too
makes sense.  But doing away with good things sure doesn't make any
sense.  I took my four off puppy at about a year when there was not much
more vertical growth.  In the Mastiffs I kept them on it longer.  There
is a saying about the " eye of the owner, keepith the horse....or in this
case, the dog! " At any rate, I do agree with you on this!  Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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