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Re: [PyrNet-L] Is anybody out there?

On 16 Jul 99, at 22:31, Sharon Stuck wrote:
> OK I give up---what are doggie crowns?  Are we talking teeth?  

Yes, it's teeth.  When I got Sonny he was a return to breeder and I 
got him shortly after he was returned.  It was found he had had 2 
injuries into the mouth area, what the vet termed "trauma of some 
kind", which resulted in 2 of the canine teeth being dead.  The time 
period that this happened which the vet was able to determine from 
the condition of the teeth coincides with the time period he was in 
this previous home. Luckily both teeth were intact.  Instead of 
pulling them I had them both root canaled and they were sealed 
back up.  Considering what teeth they are and what he'd probably 
been through I kinda thought he deserved to keep those teeth as 
he had not been brought back in the best of condition and would 
look kinda funny without them.  Now the crowns will be done.  
There's a time period have after a root canal and crowns have to be 
done as the teeth start getting brittle.  And doggie dentistry is just 
as expensive as human dentistry.  Once you do this though it ends 
the conformation ring showing according to AKC rules so went 
ahead and neutered him.  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX