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[PyrNet-L] Re: Question on spaying

Kris wrote:

<<"Our Margo was just spayed and I have to say that we do think she may
have had show potential and gave it a lot of thought before deciding it
was what was best for us.  It may not be what's best for you, of course
because you may enjoy showing her.  However, if you wait, you may as
well not even bother doing it in terms of medical benefits.  I have
spoken with several different vets as well as our local humane society
in an attempt to time the surgery correctly for Margo.  According to
numerous experts on the topic, the medical benefits include eliminating
cancer risks for certain cancer types, but if the dog is not sterilized
before the first heat (6-10 months roughly), these benefits are lost and
you are spaying simply to avoid putting up with a dog in heat and to
prevent pregnancy, but not for any other medical benefits.">>

Hi Kris, aren't you forgetting about pyometra. Spaying - no matter at what
age - takes away the risk of pyometra, which is a risk especially for
elderly bitches, and can be fatal just like cancer, so surely there are
medical benefits to spay an adult bitch after her show career or breeding
days are over. 

I don't know how many spayed bitches gets incontinence, but I know of at
least one case of a young bitch getting it, so it is not something that
happens to old bitches only.

Whether to go with the early spay or try showing, depends on how much you
want to show. If you have wanted a dog to show, I would give it some time,
try it, see how you and Anais like and how she does. 

Lene Nielsen