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[PyrNet-L] teething

Not for quite a while Merrilee and they are not teeth, they are little razor
blades!! Just make sure there are plenty of chewable personal possessions to
be chewed on, not yours but it's like forbidden fruit, your's is better. Has
anyone ever noticed that they don't chew a pair of shoes, one from each pair
maybe but not both. Frankie at 13months still has his big cannon bone,
nothing left on it but he'll chomp away on that for hours and if old
Granddad can get it, he'll gnaw away too and he's 10!!
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/1920/ and the site of the PMDC at