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Re: [PyrNet-L] People are sick (rescue)

While this isn't purely Pyr., and I hope I don't get in trouble over
this, Did anyone see Ann Landers the other day with the fellow that shot
the Cocker for nipping the child while playing with a ball.  The only one
who seemed to have any sense at all was the woman who wrote, upset over
the events, and  the children ( including the boy who was nipped ),
because they all loved their Grandpa's little Cocker.  The lesson the
kids got was, " If something hurts you...shoot it with a gun". 
Gee....where have I seen and heard this one before?  Needless to say...I
was rather upset at the thought.  Frankly a " No bite", take the ball out
of action, and a time out for kids and dog alike, would have sufficed for
me!  Cyn.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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