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Re: [PyrNet-L] bitches cycling patterns?


I found my 19 mo old (Katie) in heat last Sunday.  I placed the male with
her and on Monday evening they were locked.  YES..  This will be the first
set of puppies for me out of a Great Pyr.  Katie was last in heat the early
part of January.

Another Great Pyr (Brandy) 20 mo old was in heat end of April.  My husband
said to get ready because she would now be in heat also.  So, I am keeping
an eye on her.

This will be interesting to see if all cycle around each other.

Janna with Great Pyrs - Katie, Brandy, Winston & Princess

-----Original Message-----
From: Kshoffman@aol.com <Kshoffman@aol.com>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Date: Thursday, September 02, 1999 9:01 AM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] bitches cycling patterns?

>Light is alleged to have an influence on bitches reproductive cycling
>patterns.  I don't precisely remember how, i.e., if it is more light or
>light that triggers things or maybe both as related to seasonal/weather
>changes and patterns and span of daylight hours.
>All but two of my mature bitches (Pyrs, Belgian & Rosemary the Pug, or as
>husband calls her, Rosemary the GDPD <vbg>) were in season in the
>timeframe, mostly in Jan. The Pug was in late Nov/early Dec., started a
>reaction with the other ladies, then came in again in early April (she
>cycles, every 4 mos.) and started another chain reaction.  The two bitches
>that didn't cycle in Dec/Jan/Feb (young Belgians between 1-2 yrs of age)
>cycled in Apr/May timeframe, seemingly brought on by the Pug. I guess I
>two shifts of cyclers, and they run about 4 mos apart, and Rosemary cycles
>every 4 mos and is ALWAYS first in and brings the girls on that rotation in
>with her.<G>  So Rosemary came in again about 3 wks ago and is now out, and
>now I have the crew who cycled last winter either in full-fledged estrus,
>just coming in, or starting to come. (Oh yes, we are having fun here right
>now with the pack dynamics, and the boys, well those poor poor studmuffins
>are just pathetic right now!)
>Anyway, I'm curious about something.  Who has bitches in season now? I know
>of at least three other bitches (including Pyrs & Belgians) also in season
>now, one local and two on the other side of the country, and I'm wondering
>it has to anything to do with the reduction in light this time of year,
>days getting shorter and all.  Anybody else have bitches in season now, or
>just coming in, or just going out? When were they last in season, and where
>are you located geographically?
>Also, for those with two or more intact bitches, do your bitches ever
>actually cycle every 6 months on the dot regardless of where their female
>pack members are in their cycles? Or, or is it more like 3 cycles every 2
>yrs???  With my bitches (regardless of breed, except for Rosemary) the
>is pretty much the rule of thumb.  I've only owned one bitch ever, a really
>dominant Pyr bitch, who actually cycled every 6 mos on the dot no matter
>My bitches seem to go 8-9 or even 10 months between a winter cycle and a
>summer or early to mid Autumn cycle, with shorter intervals (only 6-8 mos)
>between a late summer/early fall cycle and a late spring/early summer
>Did anyone follow that? <G>  Point is, my bitches tend to go longer between
>cycles over the months where there is a lot of light, and shorter between
>cycles over the months there is less light.  I'm curious, does anyone else
>see the same pattern with their bitches?
>Kelley Hoffman
>Tipp City, OHIO
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