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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyrnet Chat Room

Well, Tara is a small ball of fluff!  She is white w/grey badger markings on
her face.  I am so pleased with her, as we've never had such a well behaved
puppy.  She was born June 5, 1999, so she's about 3 months, and weighs about 35
pounds.  She is so good, was house trained in about 3 days.  Saturday we took
her to the apple festival, a rather large festival in North Carolina.  I've
never seen so many people in our small town, and we could barely walk up and
down the street it was so packed.  She was the highlight of the festival,
everyone stopped to say hi, and she was so calm, not even scared with all the
people. But, we had to educate a lot of people on what breed she is, no she
isn't a St. Bernard:) We're taking her again today, I'm so thankful to be able
to socialize her with all these people.  While we're gone during the day, she
does great alone in the house.  The only damage in 3 weeks was a chewed phone
cord, and that was the second day.  Nothing that a bit of sour apple couldn't
cure! At night she sleeps where she wants, and every morning she'll come and
put her paws up on the bed to make sure we're still here, and to try to get us
to play with her.  She's so fun!  As soon as I get pictures of her on disc I'll
let you all know!
Tara(Mom, stop bragging!)

Tracy Bassett wrote:

> How about telling us all a little about Tara? I just LOVE hearing about
> pups, as I am sure a lot of other listers do to. :-)
> Tracy Bassett
> Canberra, Australia
> espinay@dynamite.com.au
> visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm
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