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Re: [Re: [PyrNet-L] Zeke Update]

>"Barb Bowes, Bo, Molly, Chelsea & Flopsy" <bamb@monmouth.com> wrote:
>We're all biting our nails waiting to hear!

Hi Barb,

We will have to bite our nails one more day. : ( Our vet got called away on an
emergenct mobile call. Since we bought our house in Brandon in Arpril we
switched to this vet and he seems nice enough and loves Guilty  but after
today I worry if there is an emergency with one of our babies he might not be
available. So I called our old vet Dr. Keene and Dr. Bonneville and set up for
tommorow with them. They are about 40 minutes away but they are great. One is
always there. Dr. Sanchez is great but today rubbed me the wrong way after
today. So anyway there you have it... One more day to bite nails. 

Zeke and Guilty are doing great no incidents today I am proud of Guilty. Last
night we slept with all the doors open and nobody seperated. When I turned the
lights off Zeke heard something and started to bark. I thought Oh Oh. I heard
Guilty tear through the house and I got up to make sure everything was ok.
When I got into the frontroom they were both standing at the window looking
out and growling and carrying on. Zeke is getting used to the sounds in the
house. He scared me a few times in the middle of the night barking and
growling. Its all the new sounds. Like the AC kicking on or the refridgerator
kicking on or just normal sound in the house at night. I get up and show him
its just the AC or the fridge or a creak in the night. I tell him what a good
boy he is and sit with him a few and go back to bed. Anyway like I said last
night was the first night we did not seperate them and I didnt wake up to a
blood bath or growling match. 

Yesterday night I let Zeke in and he ran into the bedroom with Guilty chasing
after him. I got crossed signals because Guilty's hacks were up but he was
wagging his tail. Today they have come nose to nose at least 12 times and
Guilty went to investigate Zeke a few times tail wagging. I think we are going
to be just fine... 

I still put Zeke in the bedroom when someone visits because it is Guilty's job
to great them and Zeke gets soooo excited when someone comes over and Guilty
does not care for that. I know it will trigger a spat. So until they are a
little more stable with one another I will just alternate who gets to greet

Well I will be up for a while I am still at work and I just had to respond
before I go home.


Robb, Lea, Alex, Pietro, Guilty "The Bully", Bo "The Mutt",  Zeke "The Great
Pyr" & Scetch "The African Grey"

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