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Re: [Re: [Re: [PyrNet-L] Zeke Update]]

In a message dated 99-09-08 12:00:38 EDT, you write:

<< I of course do not want
 Zeke jumping on people but I enjoy being licked and when I see Zeke and 
 I am more excited to see them after a long day at work than they are to see
 me. >>

This sounds like our dogs and us!  When we get home, we are as excited to see 
them as they are us.  Kes, Baron, and Tanuki are very well behaved with the 
greetings, but Zoe (15 months old) can get a bit over excited.  Especially 
when she sees her "daddy"!  One thing that's interesting - all the dogs seem 
to know which of our friends and family members they can get really excited 
with, and which they need to be on their better behaviour.  With David's Mum, 
they are friendly, but a bit more reserved.  WIth my Mother - "well, that's 
grandma and we can get away with ANYTHING!"  Still, Mother loves it, although 
she has learned not to encourage such behaviour.   When they get a bit too 
excited around Mother, they get put in a crate until they calm down.  This 
has been easier than trying to totally re-train Mother :-)
