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[PyrNet-L] Re:Other end.

At the risk of sounding really wacked...does anyone enjoy their Pyrs.
tails?  Sitting here watching my Soap, sharing the love seat with Ranger
( 1/3, 2/3's, guess who got the short end of the seat? )  playing with
his tail ( yes, that was the end next to me ).  They are wonderfully
heavy and thickly plummed.  Feel so good waving them around.  His has a
little hook at the end, the girls are all straight until they curl them
over their backs.  Wonderfully warm and comforting, really amazing when
you study them closely.  Ok, Ok, I guess I really am loosing it, but I
love it when they play and grab each others tails and haul each other
around, smiling and delighting in teasing each other.  It would be hard
not to get taken in by their joy.  I really love this breed! Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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