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[PyrNet-L] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.19990920-1

Just a minor clarification:

When the wife and I take a pet in, its for the duration. No amount of drool 
or bad behavior will cause me to give away the animal. Ever. Kyle is now an 
integrated and integral part of my direct family.

This may sound harsh but I would consider putting an animal down before I 
would consider giving an animal away to another human. To this date I have 
only had to put one of my animals down, due to a confrontation with a motor 
vehicle. So rest assured, Kyle is not going anywhere, drooly-boy and all =) 
I kind of like the stringers!  =)

Example: Beowulf (Al-Mal) at 12 months decided that the water bed in the 
upstairs bedroom in a recently remodeled circa 1920's house (rented) was a 
chew toy. After about 3000$ worth of repairs, including a complete overhaul 
of the wood floors and the dining room beneath the room, and about three 
months of personal labor, I was able to peacefully move out. He just spent 
more time in the crate while I wasn't around =) Except the time he got into 
a girlfriend's  oil paints and art projects and made all sorts of "cute" 
dog prints on the floors and walls =) But that's another story!

So far Kyle has been a breeze compared to Beowulf's puppy escapades. Or 
perhaps I am just more knowledgeable since Beowulf put me through his paces =)

In defense of the previous owner; He was and still is very upset about him 
giving his pet away. I do agree that too many persons tend to treat animals 
as disposable, it is very disconcerting. Knowing the situation the previous 
owner was in, not just the wife's condition, I personally feel the previous 
owner made the right choice and did the responsible thing in coming to us.

I learned just how bad people can be while I worked at the local SPCA, and 
saw what people were willing to consider "unbearable" hardships with their 
pets such as the cats hair doesn't match the carpet, or the puppy wont come 
when you call it (12wk old puppy). I would have loved to take some of those 
people by the hand, right to the back room if I could of.

On a lighter note... Thanks for the tip on the other list serve, I'm 
already there... just lurking as usual =) And as usual I am glad to be here!

 >And I too boo-hiss the prior owner who finds a dog dispensible because the
 >wife is "suddenly"  pregnant.  It burns my cookies that animals are so
 >disposable!  Sheessh -- you don't think they don't have feelings?  Obviously
 >his wife wasn't thrilled with the purchase to begin with and if that was the
 >case, he never should have gotten the dog in the first place.  But enough
 >venting;  I'm glad you could step in and  give Kyle a proper home.  Just
 >don't you give him up because of the drooling....:-)

 >And p.s. if this list isn't enough, you may want to consider joing the pyr-l
 >list too for more information.