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Re: [PyrNet-L] Slow list? How about a Zeke update?

Funny, whenever the list is slow, it seems everything else is too.  I
don't hear from the folks I usually get at least a line or two from in
the course of the day.  You really do sit there going..." ok, where is

Got a new neighbor in, with a dog ( lab. type ) that rushes out at us
when we are walking the dogs at night.  I walk two, hubby walks the other
two, and darn if this dog doesn't come snarling and barking right into
the middle of the pack.  The pups don't get too bent out of shape, other
than trying to turn to watch their rear ends as we keep trying to walk,
But it sure is annoying.  Tried to talk to the guy, belligerent fellow,
full of himself.  Kept telling us to just let our dogs go after his and
teach his dog a lesson ( he has no intention of confining the dog ), and
while it is tempting, I really do not want my gang to get in the habit of
going after every dog we encounter.  Thing that gets me is we are trying
in  a nice way to explain about the leash law in this county, his two 3-4
ish year old twin daughters are all over the Pyrs. bear-hugging,
cuddling, looking at their tags, pulling their lips up looking at their
teeth, burying themselves in their soft coats etc.  We are watching the
kids, our pups reactions ( they love little ones, but they don't have any
of their own to experience, so obviously we are careful!  And darn if
this idiot dog doesn't come rushing right back into the pack snapping and
snarling?  The Pyrs. just stood, never batted an eye, with those little
girls all over them.  Believe me...I really love these dogs, their
wonderful dispositions, and their tolerance levels!  Obviously they have
more sense than the other dog or his owner!!

Next day we walked by, the little girls yelled at their Dad that we were
coming, and to get a hold of their dog.  Nope...he just watched the dog
run right out at us again.  I called animal control yesterday, maybe they
can talk some sense into him.  With only one fellow doing the job for the
whole county, it is liable to be a while till he gets there however!

I am so annoyed at people like that!  I am very proud of the Pyr. kids
though...they were amazingly good!  What sweet souls they have when you
think of what they have the ability to do!  Attacking dogs have a way of
taking the pleasure out of walking on these nice cooler Texas evenings.  

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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