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Re: [PyrNet-L] Zeke, Parks Found, Dead List, Food

Robb, yes, the list has been quite slow. I've read your posts but have
been so busy with a multitude of other things that I did not have time
to respond. The most notable event of the past week is that Barry
Denyer came here for an overnight visit while he was in the US on
business! As some of you may not know, Barry is from the UK and a
member of PDGPC. He and his wife Pat came over for the PDGPC Fun Day
in 1998 and will probably always hold the record for longest distance
traveled to attend! Barry, Dianne Migas and I all went out to dinner,
then Barry and I came back here and had some wonderful conversation.
Poor Barry was about to fall off the sofa at 12:15 am so I let him get
some sleep. We had more wonderful conversation the next day, went to
the beach so Barry could see the Atlantic from this side and visited
Dianne at her place of work. Then there was time for nothing more than
a quick trip to catch the shuttle to Newark Airport! The visit was
much too short but we're hoping to spend more time the next time he's
here and perhaps Pat can come along also. Would be so nice to see her
again. I'm so glad that things are going much better for Zeke and
Guilty. Glad it's working out so well. Give both dogs a hug from me.

Barb Bowes, NJ down at the shore!
Bo, Molly, Chelsea & Flopsy the Pyr Shep
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!