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Re: [PyrNet-L] chewing off fur

<<Bella started biting at a spot on her back about 6-8 weeks ago, the vet
has told me it's just a "hot spot" and not to worry too much, and to just
put some cortaid on it to reduce the itching. The area that started out the
size of a quarter is now almost the size of my palm. I've continued trying
the cortaid, but it really doesn't seem to help.  She doesn't have fleas,
and is completely healthy other than this.  Any suggestions to keep her from
biting at this so her fur can grow back would be greatly appreciated.>>

Here is an article which may give you a few ideas for treating Bella's hot
spot: http://www.critterhaven.org/critterchat/hotspots.htm . Hot spots can
be a symptom of something else going on, often internally.  It is a good
idea therefore to also look for a cause as well as treating the symptoms.
Best wishes, I hope Bella feels more comfortable soon.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm