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Re: [PyrNet-L] all-in-one worm/flea control preparations

I have always had a problem with putting a man made chemical in my
dogs mouth that killed fleas on the outside of their body. Hence, I
have never used Program or similar products. My main concern with a
product such as Revolution, would be the efficacy for it to function
at 100% for all the things it is meant to protect against and also
whether or not it would adversely effect the immune system after
prolonged use. Especially with Pyrs. IMO 5 years of testing is not
nearly enough. They said the Lyme vaccine was safe also, yet my Vet is
dead set against using it unless it is an absolute necessity such as
in hunting dogs. Anyway, I have no trouble with fleas and all I use to
keep them away is an excellent diet and garlic oil capsules.

Barb Bowes, NJ down at the shore!
Bo, Molly, Chelsea & Flopsy the Pyr Shep
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!