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Re: [PyrNet-L] Shock Collar Information

--- clhenke@juno.com wrote:
> With all due respect, I don't know of any park,
> state or national that
> doesn't require dogs to be leashed at all times. 

   There are off lead parks.  I think there are some
areas in larger parks where a dog with a good recall
should be fine off lead.  I'm working on training Jake
for backpacking with me.  On flat level ground a leash
is not a problem, but on steeper slopes the leash
could present a problem for both of us.  
   I'm not ready for Jake to be off lead.  His recall
isn't that solid.  I can envision a time when it might
be appropriate, after checking the rules of the park. 
I think the prerequisate here is a solid recall, and
the ability to heal off-leash.  
   There has to be some place for our dogs to run. 
I've never seen a farm with a solid enough fence to
keep a pyr in.  Those of us in the city may have big
back yards but not room for these guys to really run. 
I walk with Jake but there is no way I can keep up
with him at a solid run.  

  I would be most
> un- comfortable if
> my dogs caused wildlife any distress while we were
> enjoying the park
> systems.  

    If you consider an intact wild ecosystem being
chased is a normal part of life for prey animals. 
What is happening here, the dog notices another
animal, gives brief chase, and is called back.  The
prey animal retreats, the dog isn't allowed to
continue the pursuit and no one is the worse for wear.
   If she were encouraging her dog to chase wildlife,
that would be another story, but the whole point of
the shock collar was to prevent that sort of behavior.


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Offical Flower Song of the State of Texas
Bluebonnets, blue lovely Bluebonnets,
More beautiful than all the rest.
Texas chose you for her flower,
And we love you best, Bluebonnets.
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